Réporter sem Beiras

Repórter sem Beiras deals with the negative perception attributed to people living in Brazilian slums — called favela. It explores the question as to how a visual communication designer in the role of a Repórter sem Beiras (translates as Reporter without Boundaries) can help to break down such stereotypes by communicating more nuanced stories that support the opening up for multiple perspectives on favela dwellers and thus expand those stereotypical stories published by the media.

The project resulted in a public space intervention where a series of visual journals — called Jornal de Artigos Não Lidos — were distributed as wall journals in the public space of Rio de Janeiro in 2011 (series 1) and 2012 (series 2). The project also includes a documentary capturing citizen’s reactions to the wall journals.

More information can be found on the project’s website.

This project was realised with the support of Design Vlaanderen, Europalia, Flemish Authorities, Recyclart and Wiels. It was exhibited at WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels (BE) as part of Europalia Brazil in 2011; at Crio festival in Rio de Janeiro (BR) in 2012; at the Design Flanders Gallery Brussels (BE) in 2011; and at the 7th Design Triennial 'Conflict & Design' in C-mine, Genk (BE) in 2013.

Repórter sem Beiras: people’s reactions on the Jornal de Artigos Não Lidos walljournals

Jornal de Artigos Não Lidos, Rio de Janeiro, 2011 & 2012

Photos by Annelies Vaneycken

Photos by Annelies Vaneycken


Erasing Intimacy


Playful Rules